- You need a Prolog.
I used Sicstus Prolog (from SICS, not free) to build wnconnect. You can try to port
the files to a free Prolog (e.g. SWI-Prolog is freely available).
- You don't need to download WordNet.
A re-indexed version of the WordNet 1.7.1 database for Prolog
(available from Princeton University) is included.
[This has been done for efficiency reasons. Internally, wnconnect does not use the
Princeton synset ids, although they are still available for output.]
A compiled Sicstus Prolog .ql version of the .pl source database is
also included for convenience.
An additional relation fn/4 (common file number), not given in
the Princeton WordNet distribution, is also included. For a description
of fn/4, see here.
41Mb (gzip'ed tar file), expands to 242Mb
[Depending on the browser, you may need to
control-click the download button and select save to disk.]
Install instructions?
Un-gzip and untar it.
[Okay, you will need to recompile the foreign (C) code if you're
not on a Mac.]
Guide here