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Help: blue = parse found inside. Abbreviations: WS: Workspace; SO: Syntactic Object; IA/EA: Internal/External Argument; INT/EXT: interface SO post-Merge/FormCopy; Initial WS: heads that may project after LEX word lookup. ...
WS n, n = 1,2,... for intermediate stages after Initial WS. Final WS: when WS items converge on a single SO.
Bracketing: {...} (Merge). {...} (FormSet). At Spellout, {...} indicates free word order. [word] indicates word is optionally present.
Head Hdselection/features, e.g. pθ = predicate head p that seeks a θ-relevant (θR) IA from the WS. pθ is a θ-seeker (θS).
vsee:θ:past = head v has complement see, a θR EA from the WS and TNS. v is also a θS.
INFL seeks θR from its complement (not the WS).
Complementizer C comes in different flavors wrt. Force, .e.g. declarative C, interrogative CQ and relative clause head Crel.
Features, e.g. TNS pres/past or DET the/a (shorthand for a bundle of semantic features).
Note: φ-features, e.g. 1sg, appear only at Spellout. Some words don't project, turn into features, e.g. determiners.
Words: who saw John
Initial WS 1: John seeθ vsee:θ:past INFLv who WS 1: {seeθ, John} vsee:θ:past INFLv who