[Right triangle ⏵ may be expanded, down triangle ⏷ to close. Button = tree pop-up. × = close pop-up.]

Help: blue = parse found inside. Abbreviations: WS: Workspace; SO: Syntactic Object; IA/EA: Internal/External Argument; INT/EXT: interface SO post-Merge/FormCopy; Initial WS: heads that may project after LEX word lookup. ...

Words: they are flying planes
Initial WS 1: planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 4: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} vpred:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 4: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vpred:pres} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, planes}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
WS 3: {planes, {INFLv, {vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} vfly:θ INFLv they 
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {{vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, planes}},vfly:θ} INFLv INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vpred:pres} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
WS 3: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},vpred:pres},vfly:θ} INFLv INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vfly:θ,vpred:pres} {flyθ:presp, planes} INFLv INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 3: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 4: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} vpred:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 4: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vpred:pres} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 3: {they, {INFLv, {vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 3: {{vpred:pres, {flyθ:presp, they}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, they},vpred:pres} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 3: {{{flyθ:presp, they},vpred:pres},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vpred:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vfly:θ,vpred:pres} {flyθ:presp, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {vpred:pres, flyθ:presp} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} planes INFLv vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp,vpred:pres} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
Initial WS 2: planes flyingθ vpred:pres INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
Initial WS 3: planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 4: they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: planes they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, planes} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl pres be planes 3pl fly planes
Spellout: they are planes fly planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {beθ, they} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes they beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},beθ} planes they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} planes they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {beθ, they} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: they {beθ, they} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they {beθ, they} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} they {beθ, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: planes {beθ, they} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes {beθ, they} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes {beθ, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 4: planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: they planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, they} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {beθ, planes} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl pres be planes 3pl fly planes
Spellout: they are planes fly planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} they planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},beθ} they planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} they planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {beθ, planes} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: planes {beθ, planes} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes {beθ, planes} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes {beθ, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: they {beθ, planes} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they {beθ, planes} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl pres be planes 3pl fly planes
Spellout: they are planes fly planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} they {beθ, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 4: planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: they planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, they} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, planes} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} they planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},beθ} they planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} they planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {beθ, planes} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: planes {beθ, planes} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes {beθ, planes} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes {beθ, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: they {beθ, planes} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they {beθ, planes} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} they {beθ, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 4: they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: planes they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, planes} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, planes},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ, they} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} {beθ, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes they beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},beθ} planes they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} planes they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {beθ, they} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: they {beθ, they} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they {beθ, they} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} they INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} they {beθ, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: planes {beθ, they} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes {beθ, they} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} planes INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 8: {{{beθ, they},{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} planes {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes {beθ, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} they beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} they {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
WS 3: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 4: they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 5: planes they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, planes} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl fly planes 3pl pres be planes
Spellout: they fly planes are planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, they} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes they flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 7: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},flyθ:presp} planes they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} planes they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {flyθ:presp, they} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: they {flyθ:presp, they} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they {flyθ:presp, they} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} they {flyθ:presp, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: planes {flyθ:presp, they} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes {flyθ:presp, they} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} planes {flyθ:presp, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 4: planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 5: they planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, they} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, planes} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl fly planes 3pl pres be planes
Spellout: they fly planes are planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} they planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 7: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},flyθ:presp} they planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} they planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {flyθ:presp, planes} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: planes {flyθ:presp, planes} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} planes {flyθ:presp, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 6: they {flyθ:presp, planes} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl fly planes 3pl pres be planes
Spellout: they fly planes are planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 7: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},vfly:θ} they {flyθ:presp, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 3: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 4: planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 5: they planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, they} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, planes} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} they planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 7: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},flyθ:presp} they planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} they planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {flyθ:presp, planes} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: planes {flyθ:presp, planes} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} planes {flyθ:presp, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: they {flyθ:presp, planes} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} they {flyθ:presp, planes} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 4: they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 5: planes they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, planes} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, planes} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp, they} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} {flyθ:presp, they} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes they flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 7: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},flyθ:presp} planes they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} planes they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {flyθ:presp, they} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 6: they {flyθ:presp, they} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they {flyθ:presp, they} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} they vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} they INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} they {flyθ:presp, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 6: planes {flyθ:presp, they} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 7: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 9: {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 10: {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {{planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes {flyθ:presp, they} vfly:θ INFLv
WS 8: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} planes vfly:θ INFLv INFLv
WS 8: {{{flyθ:presp, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}},vfly:θ} planes INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 7: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},vfly:θ} planes {flyθ:presp, they} INFLv INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv
WS 1: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes INFLv beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 1: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv INFLv they 
Initial WS 4: planes flyingθ beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}} vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}}} INFLv they 
WS 4: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}}}} INFLv
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl pres be flying planes
Spellout: they are flying planes
Parse found: they are flying planes
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {{beθ, {planes, {flyingθ, planes}}},vbe:θ:pres} INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {beθ, they} {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} INFLv
WS 4: {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 5: {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {INFLv, {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {INFLv, {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {{planes, {flyingθ, planes}}, {INFLv, {{planes,{flyingθ,planes}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 3: {{beθ, they},vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {planes, {flyingθ, planes}} INFLv they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}} planes vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}}} planes INFLv
WS 4: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}}}} INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {{beθ, {they, {flyingθ, they}}},vbe:θ:pres} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {beθ, planes} {they, {flyingθ, they}} vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} {they, {flyingθ, they}} INFLv
WS 4: {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 5: {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {INFLv, {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {INFLv, {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {{they, {flyingθ, they}}, {INFLv, {{they,{flyingθ,they}}, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: flying they 3pl pres be planes
Spellout: flying they are planes
Error: inconsistent spellout
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 3: {{beθ, planes},vbe:θ:pres} {they, {flyingθ, they}} INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {beθ,vbe:θ:pres} {they, {flyingθ, they}} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyingθ, planes} beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 1: {flyingθ, they} planes beθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}} flyingθ INFLv they 
WS 3: {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 4: they {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 5: {flyingθ, they} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 6: {{flyingθ, they},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} they flyingθ
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},flyingθ} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 4: planes {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 5: {flyingθ, planes} {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}} INFLv
WS 6: {{flyingθ, planes},{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}}}} planes flyingθ
WS 1: {beθ, planes} flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv they 
WS 5: {{they, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, planes}}},flyingθ} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 2: {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}} planes flyingθ INFLv
WS 3: {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 4: planes {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 5: {flyingθ, planes} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 6: {{flyingθ, planes},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} planes flyingθ
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},flyingθ} planes INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 4: they {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} flyingθ INFLv
WS 5: {flyingθ, they} {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}} INFLv
WS 6: {{flyingθ, they},{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}} INFLv
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}}}} they flyingθ
WS 1: {beθ, they} planes flyingθ vbe:θ:pres INFLv
WS 5: {{planes, {vbe:θ:pres, {beθ, they}}},flyingθ} they INFLv
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {vbe:θ:pres, beθ} planes flyingθ INFLv they 
Initial WS 5: planes flyθ:presp vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}} INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS 3: {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}} INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 4: {they, {INFLv, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}} vv:prog:pres
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS 4: {vv:prog:pres, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}} INFLv
WS 5: {they, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {they, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {they, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {they, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, planes}}}}}}}
Initial Spellout: they 3pl pres be ing fly planes
Spellout: they are flying planes
Parse found: they are flying planes
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, planes} vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, planes},vfly:θ} INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 2: {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}} planes INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 3: {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}} INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 4: {planes, {INFLv, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}} vv:prog:pres
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 4: {vv:prog:pres, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}} INFLv
WS 5: {planes, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}} 
Final WS: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}} 
INT/EXT: {C, {planes, {INFLv, {vv:prog:pres, {planes, {vfly:θ, {flyθ:presp, they}}}}}}}
Error: Case: object "they" not ACC
WS 1: {flyθ:presp, they} planes vfly:θ INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS 2: {{flyθ:presp, they},vfly:θ} planes INFLv vv:prog:pres
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 1
WS 1: {vfly:θ, flyθ:presp} planes INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS fail: WS θS 1 < θR 2
WS 1: {flyθ:presp,vfly:θ} planes INFLv vv:prog:pres they 
WS fail: WS θS 0 < θR 2
Initial WS 6: planes flyingθ vv:prog:pres they 
Error: Word actions [matchLV(v+_472:v+_458:prog:pres)] failed to apply!
Initial WS 7: planes flyingθ vv:pass:pres they 
Error: Word actions [matchLV(v+_28634:v+_28620:pass:pres)] failed to apply!