Minimalist Machine Derivations

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  • Extra relative clause examples
    Example Instruction stream (clickable) Notes
    (rcx1) the boy John thinks called Mary
    the boy John thinks that called Mary
    [mary, d, call, 'v*', [boy, d_rel], 'Tpast', c_e, think, v_unerg, [john, d], 'T', c_rel, the] Relativize from embedded subject position.
    (rcx2) the student who lives here who studies English [[here, d, live, 'v*', [student, who_rel], 'T', c_rel], [english, d, study, 'v*', [student, who_rel], 'T', c_rel], the] Doubly stacked relative clause. Uses FormSet.
    (rcx3) the student who lives here who studies English who I know [[here, d, live, 'v*', [student, who_rel], 'T', c_rel], [english, d, study, 'v*', [student, who_rel], 'T', c_rel],[student, who_rel, know, 'v*', [i, d], 'T', c_rel], the] Triply stacked relative clause. Uses FormSet.