(base) Desktop$ swipl Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.4) SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software. Please run ?- license. for legal details. For online help and background, visit https://www.swi-prolog.org For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word). ?- [nl3a]. true. ?- s(Parse, [john,saw,the,boy,with,a,telescope],[]). Parse = s(np(nnp(john)), vp(vbd(see_ed), np(np(dt(the), nn(boy)), pp(in(with), np(dt(a), nn(telescope)))))) ; ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded ERROR: Stack sizes: local: 0.8Gb, global: 0.2Gb, trail: 2Kb ERROR: Stack depth: 7,668,795, last-call: 0%, Choice points: 9 ERROR: In: ERROR: [7,668,795] user:det(_46022812, _46022814, [length:2], _46022818) ERROR: [7,668,794] user:np(, [length:2], _46022846) ERROR: [7,668,793] user:np(, [length:2], _46022880) ERROR: [7,668,792] user:np(, [length:2], _46022914) ERROR: [7,668,791] user:np(, [length:2], _46022948) ERROR: ERROR: Use the --stack_limit=size[KMG] command line option or ERROR: ?- set_prolog_flag(stack_limit, 2_147_483_648). to double the limit. Exception: (7,668,794) np(_46022720, [a, telescope], _46023146) ? abort % Execution Aborted ?-