$ perl -e '$a="abc"; $b = reverse $a; print "$a\n"' abc $ perl -e '$a="abc"; $b = reverse $a; print "$a $b\n"' abc cba $ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {print((split " ")[0],"\n")}' $ pwd /Users/sandiway/courses/538/ling538-23 $ ls fal* ls: fal*: No such file or directory $ ls fal* falconheavylaunch.txt $ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {print((split " ")[0],"\n")}' Elon By US The It The "I With It Such For A The The Two "That The By That Having • • • • • But "It'll "It'll $ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {print((split " ")[0],"\n")}' $ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {print((split " ")[0],"\n")}'| wc -l 49 $ less falconheavylaunch.txt $ wc -l falconheavylaunch.txt 49 falconheavylaunch.txt $ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {@words = split " "; $sum+=@words}; print $sum' 669$ perl -e 'open $f, "falconheavylaunch.txt"; while (<$f>) {@words = split " "sum+=@words}; print "$sum\n"' 669 $ wc falconheavylaunch.txt 49 669 3973 falconheavylaunch.txt $ wc -w falconheavylaunch.txt 669 falconheavylaunch.txt $ wc -c falconheavylaunch.txt 3973 falconheavylaunch.txt $